Monday, July 25, 2011

Work continues

So, I have some retarded friends. Love you guys. Evidently, reading Orkish gives them headaches, so I have had to revert to boring old english.

I have done some good work since we last spoke. I have started the iron gob, and have 4 of the 10 teef done for it as well. Voila:

I have also completed the observation tower, featuring a large Goff glyph front and center. Enjoy!

Also, there s a (potentially) awesome thread up in the Dakka P&M forum, a contest for building ork nastiness, based on this chart:

I have entered my megadread, and I must say I am DOMINATING so far. In my humble opinion, of course. But on a dare, or goading, or what-have-you, I agreed to try my hand at a Savage Gunship. Yes, that is the SPACESHIP right there in the middle of the chart. The unholy son of a bitch should measure in somewhere around 12 feet long. Or maybe common sense will get the better of me, we shall see...

1 comment:

  1. I would like to contact you about a commision build. Please email me at thx.
